====== Allow rule ====== === How to create an exception from deny rule? === Sometimes there is a requirement to create an exception for [[запрещающее правило|Deny rule]]. You can use an "Allow rule" for this purpose. Regardless the sort-order in the web-interface, allow rules are applied before deny rules. {{:ics-pass-new.png|Разрешающее правило}} === How to allow access to particular resource even if the user is disabled? == If you need to allow access of a particular user to site or host even is quota is exceeded or user is disabled - use "Allow rule" with "allow even if user is disabled" option. === What is the rules order? == Deny and Allow rules are applied in the following order (from top to bottom): - Profile assigned to root group - Allow rules for root group - Deny rules for root group - … - Profiles assigned to parent group - Allow rules of parent group - Deny rules of parent group - Profiles assigned to a user - User Allow Rules - User Deny rules === How to allow access to port-range?== You can specify a range of ports using "-" as well as list of ports using comma - "," or space-bar -" ". Example: ''21,22,1100-1200''.