FIXME **Эта страница пока что не переведена полностью. Пожалуйста, помогите завершить перевод.**\\ //(Сотрите это сообщение по окончании перевода.)// =======User's individual module====== User's individual module or user's/group's individual page in is meant for view and edit of all the settings for a user or a group. To open the individual module, go to the "Users and statistics" menu, press "Users", choose the user and click his name. In the window that will open you will see tabs "Status", "Summary report", "IP/MAC addresses", "Rules and restrictions", "Post and telephony", "Redirections", "Statistics", "Events". =====Status===== {{ics-usermod50-1.png}} You can turn the user off (for 5 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour, 1 day or you can set the date until which the user will be turned off), edit use (the edit window is simular to the one you saw when created user - look to the pard 1.1.1 of this documentation) in this tab. You should remember, that editing, turning off or deleting users, syncronized with LDAP/AD is impossible. You can also see status (turned on/off), ICS login, login from address book, user's IP addresses, daily, weekly, monthly statistics, user's connection speed on bite/sec and packages/sec in this tab. =====Summary report===== This tab is reflecting the previosly setted up report about the user. It contains: general user data (status, login, address book login, ip-addresses, speed, daily, weekly, monthly statistics); hourly statistics for income/outcome traffic for the last 24 houres; top 5 ip-addresses or domains; and also top 5 categories, where unsorted traffic lies IP/MAC addresses. It this tab there are buttons "Add", "Delete" and "Edit". You can press "Add" to add ip-addresses to a certain user, and if user is active in the network, then ICS will identify his mac-address. When you highlight the field with ip-address, you can tie the ip-address with the mac-address of the device, or delete this connection. If you assign a mac-address, when user will be active, ICS will asign an ip-address for him automatically. When editing or adding, it is possible to add a comment to ip-address or mac-address. =====Rules and restrictions===== It allows to add rules, restrictions, quotes and routes like in the "Rule sets" module. By default the rules are set depending on the role the user is assigned to. You cannot delete the default rule. Mail and telephony tab. This tab is for creation of the telephon number or user mailbox. =====Redirections===== This tab allow to set an action for the situation when the user's phone is not answering. You can see the details in the "Menu" - "Telephony" - "Rules" - "Redirections". =====Statistics===== This tab contains the report constructor for the user. The setting are similar to "Menu" - "Users and statistics" - "Report managment" - "Report constructor". =====Events===== This tab contains the list of user's events.