====== Adding and importing users ====== User is a unit in the ICS software package, to which administrator apply different politics and rules, and which is a unit in statistics as well. You can consolidate them in groups and apply rules and restrictions to it. To move a user from one group to another, use drag and drop. To add users or groups in ICS, you need to use module "Users" and choose one of the options: * Using the button "[[users50#добавление_пользователя|Add]]" * Using the button "[[users50#мастер_создания_пользователя|Wizard]]" * Using the button "[[users50#импорт_пользователей|Import]]" =====Adding a user===== In the main "Users" window choose "Add". If the option "User" was chosen, the new form will be opened, in which you should specify username, description, privileges (**[[роли|role]]** in ICS) of the user, login and password. You can also enter additional information: position, phone number, web-site, ICQ number, address and a comment. The minimum of information you can specify when adding a user is just the username. {{en50-ics-user-add1.png?400%x300}} {{en50-ics-user-add2.png?400%x300}} If the option "Group" was chosen, the new form will be opened, in which you can specify the group name, description and comment. The minimum of information you can specify when adding a group is just the name of the group. {{en50-ics-user-master1.png}} =====User adding wizard===== In the main "Users" window choose the button "Wizard". The new window will be opened offering a choice between creation of a user or a group. If the option "Create user" will be chosen, ICS will ask for its name and description, then - for its privileges (**[[роли|role]]** in ICS), then for a login and a password, then for a range of ip-addresses for this user (for example, ip-addresses of his workstation, sell phone etc), then for set/sets of rules, that will be applied to this user from those already created in ICS (you can also choose not to add any of them), then ICS will ask you whether you want to create a mailbox for this user, and, at last, to review all data that you entered. If all data will be correct, you can press "Done", if not - "Cancel" or "Back" to return to the point with incorrect data. {{en50-ics-user-master1.png}} {{en50-ics-user-master2.png}} {{en50-ics-user-master3.png}} {{en50-ics-user-master4.png}} {{en50-ics-user-master5.png}} {{en50-ics-user-master6.png}} {{en50-ics-user-master7.png}} {{en50-ics-user-master8.png}} {{en50-ics-user-master9.png}} If you chose the "Create group" option, ICS will ask for group name and description, ip-addresses of devices in this group, then for set/sets of rules, that will be applied to this user from those already created in ICS (you can also choose not to add any of them), and, at last, to review entered data. If all data will be correct, you can press "Done", if not - "Cancel" or "Back" to return to the point with incorrect data. Only the name of a user or of a group is a mandatory field. Also should be said that if the mailbox cannot be referred to any existing mail domains, ICS will suggest to add a new mail domain. =====User import===== Choose "Import" in the main "Users" module. In the drop-down list you could choose the way to import users. There are three options: from a file, from network and from LDAP/AD. {{en50-ics-user-import1.png}} **From file** You can use a file with *.txt format, containing parameters (name, login, password, ip-address) for import users, all parameters must be separated by commas, and every user must have its own line. For example, "Vasya, vasya, 123,". Also, if any parameter in the file will be wrong, in the opened form you could correct it, and add users too, and only after that - to save them. {{en50-ics-user-import2.png}} **From network** ICS would ask you to enter manually ip-addresses of network or to scan local networks connected to ICS. While scanning ICS will show all active ip-addresses in the current moment, adding for them names like pcX-Y, where X is a penultimate digit of the ip-address, and Y is the last one. Then you can sign the users you need in the list and press OK. {{en50-ics-user-import3.png}} **From LDAP/AD.** A new window will be opened, where mandatory fields are: domain controller ip-address, domain name, login and password of the domain admin. You can also specify LDAP-group, fill the checkbox "skip empty groups" and the checkbox "Secure LDAP", the last one is for using SSL while exchanging information with a domain (if your domain controller supports this protocol). {{en50-ics-user-import4.png}} After entering all necessary data you will see the list of domain users, grouped by Organization Unit, and also the choice of operations concerning a user. Three options would be available: "Import", "Synchronize" and "Mail". When you sign the "Import" checkbox, the name and login of the user will be imported. To synchronize a user or a group the checkboxes "Import" and "Synchronize" must be signed. Also user or group will be imported in the manner that any change in the controller domain tree will be reflected in the ICS. To import a mailbox from domain, all three checkboxes must be filled. In this case for selected user a mailbox will be created if in the ICS there is a mail domain with the same name, as in the Active Directory, or the mailbox would not be imported. Users that are imported and synced, will be marked in a list with a special icon. After user of group was added by one of the methods described above, it is recommended to set up theirs [[auth_user|authorization]].