Content filter

Content-filter allows to set up internet web pages blocking rules for users with filtering by key words or regular expressions.

For content filter rules to work, checkbox “use content filter” in the service settings should be marked. Right after the installation all automatic lists are empty. For filling them, mark the “Automatically update the content filter”. System will connect to the cloud service and download the latest version of the lists. After that it will update these lists one time per day.

By default content filter database contains the list of words that are forbidden by Justice ministry and Federal Drug control service, and, also, a special list from the cloud SkyDNS service. Please, remember, that content-filter always refers to the whole database.

Every list has two sections – templates and key words. In key words there’s always one word at a time, while templates can contain a group of words and will filter by the whole phrase.

After content filter is set up, you can apply it to particular users or groups using rules and restrictions.