Remote managment

The “remote control” module helps to manage several ICSes from one ICS server.

Server, from which you organize centralized control is named “Head node”, server, that is managed remotely, is named “Child node”.

Let’s go through the settings with an example.

For organize this kind of schema you need to set up ICS with address to be the head node. You can set it up in Network – Remote management – Use as… - Head node - Save.

Servers with the addresses and should be set up in child node mode: Network – Remote management – Use as… - Child node – in the “Head node IP” enter “” - Save.

During the connection to the head node it will ask for login/password of any user with administrator rights from the head ICS. By default administrator has “root” as a login and “00000” as a password. When ICS is marked as a child node, it is assigned with an unique id of node-XXXXXXXX form, where XXXXXXXX is a random combination.

On the head node you can see what child nodes are connected: Network – Remote management - Nodes. If you want to open web-interface of a child node, click on its id in the “Nodes” tab on the Head node.