Инструменты пользователя

Инструменты сайта



This module is defining how much abilities do users have to manage ICS. By default, these roles of users are available:

AdministratorThe user has full access to all functions of ICS web-interface
UserThe user has access only to his own personal statistics page
Group administratorThe user has access to create, delete and edit users of his group, to apply rules, quotes to its users and to theirs statistics

To create another role, press “Add” - “Role” buttons, specify the name, description, icon type and choose privileges from the list.

After creation of the role in the “Rule sets” module a rule set will be created, fixed strictly to this roles, as it is for rules sets for users and administrators.

en/roles50.txt · Последние изменения: 2020/01/27 16:28 (внешнее изменение)